A better way to record your iPhone
When you want to create a trailer for your app or report a bug it’s often helpful to record your screen.
It’s ideal to be able to do this on your iPhone rather than needing other devices. iOS 11 added a new feature letting you record your screen right
from the Control Center.
The main annoyance with this feature is you can’t see where your tapping, making the video harder to follow:
But with a change in Settings, you can customize this feature to show specifically where you tap on the screen, making the video easier to follow.
To do so you’ll need two things:
Screen Recording added to the Control Center
AssistiveTouch with a custom tap gesture
You can follow this quick video to walk you through the process of enabling these two features:
And there you go! Now you can record your iPhone and visualize your taps. Tap the red icon on the top left to stop recording on iPhone X or the red status bar on previous iPhone models.
There are some limitations to this approach, they are as follows:
You cannot swipe or do multitouch gestures, only single taps
If you leave the current app and open a different one the tap indicator
will go away.
Not perfect, but for many use cases it’s quite handy!
If this article helped you I’d love if you held down that clap button below
so more people can learn this trick.